Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Norm Tip #6

Norm says, "Women are attracted to three things. Good looks, a fat wallet, and a big johnson. If you don't have any of these, try working on your sense of humor."


Blogger LA said...

Sound advice!

Okay, let me tell you what women really want, item by item. Good looks? We want a man we're attracted to. A fat wallet? How about security, a man who isn't bogged down in credit card debt, is employed, and can manage the money he makes. A big johnson? Well, maybe. We want to enjoy sex.

Actually, a sense of humor is not negotiable. It's a must-have, as much as the items above.

Good post, Norm, thought-provoking man-woman stuff. Any of the other ladies around here have any comments?

6:40 PM  
Blogger GetFlix said...

Norm, you're a tool!!!

7:18 PM  
Blogger PixieGaf said...

Don't forget intelligence! Dumb guys are so annoying.

8:12 PM  
Blogger LA said...

Pix brings up intelligence. Like Pix, I prefer an intelligent man, but fact is, there are certain advantages to dumb and adorable. Like moving furniture. You can't get a computer programmer and his friends move your heavy glass and marble dining table and armoire quite as easily and effectively as the linebacker and his buddies.

I once witnessed some doctors trying to move a refrigerator down a long flight of stairs. It was ridiculous. They were all wimpy and whining about it, and they spent more time trying to OUTSMART the fridge than actually trying to move it. It was a gift from above that they made it down that staircase in one piece!

Big beefy dumb guys can sometimes be hot! I hope no one thinks less of me.

Ffleur - I'm LMAO at your last line!

7:58 AM  
Blogger norm said...

PixieGaf: Norm agrees smarts is an important asset.

Ffleur: Don't pass-up on a big johnson. Things will get boring quickly if you do.

LA: A lady certainly deserves a nice slab of beefcake once in a while.

8:24 AM  
Blogger prettykitty said...

it's no secret that i love ugly guys. but on one condition. ugly on the outside, gorgeous on the inside.

6:12 PM  
Blogger GetFlix said...

Do you like cute rabbits?!!

7:30 PM  

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