Friday, February 01, 2008

iTunes #2

Norm has a mixed view on the band U2. They are indeed amazing musicians, and have produced great albums over the years. But it is difficult at times for Norm to really get into their music. One song in particular has always been a favorite: Red Hill Mining Town, from the 1987 Joshua Tree album.


Blogger LA said...

The Joshua Tree is a great album, and that's a great song. I like The Unforgettable Fire, too.

9:53 AM  
Blogger prettykitty said...

i don't really know their earlier stuff and by the time i caught on to who they were, bono had become an egomanical maniac.

but i do like the song that he did as an apology to his wife "the sweetest thing"

4:16 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

I've been a fan since their first album, and saw them on their first tour of the States . . .

8:18 PM  
Blogger Leo Tolstoy said...

I saw them on their first tour of the US, I have seen them eight times since and yes, I am a HUGE fan. Best of their albums I think are 'Boy' and 'War' kick ass, as does 'The Unforgettable Fire', followed by 'Joshua Tree' (best listed to while driving across the Western states like Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Washington, etc... and oh yeah, Joshua Tree National Park! as it is a perfect audio/visual experience) and lastly, 'All That You Can't Leave Behind'. F**king fantastic. Their live album 'Under a Blood Red Sky' is well worth a listen too. 'Pop' is the worst!
The first time I saw them, it was an experience I shall never forget, and I have to say, their live shows are some of the best shit I have seen.

6:25 PM  
Blogger M-M-M-Mishy said...

Bono's glasses freak me out. That being said, their older stuff was definitely good.

7:38 AM  
Blogger GetFlix said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

9:18 PM  
Blogger norm said...

LA, it's their best album. (In Norm's humble opinion.)

PKitty, what did he do to upset his wife? Norm always figured him to be too business smart to mess-up his personal life.

Leo T., you sound like a true fan. For Norm, getting a concert ticket to a U2 concert in Boston is next to impossible. (Shit, it is impossible.)

His glasses freak Norm out, too! But he's going to save the world Mish. Really.

9:40 PM  
Blogger Leo Tolstoy said...

Hey Norm, if you cannot get a ticket to see them do a live show, go see 'U2 3D' at an IMAX theatre.
F**king fabulous.

5:35 PM  
Blogger kookla@work said...

Norm, Pelegrim scored some front row seats to the PopMart tour and I was close enough to spit on Bono. But I didn't dare! Great show and great band.

10:25 AM  
Blogger norm said...

Norm thinks that might be a good date suggestion, Leo!!

Awesome Kook!! Norm is jealous.

10:20 PM  

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